Monday, June 16, 2014

Safety and Security during VBS week

Safety and

The spiritual and well being of these children are being entrusted to us for 3 hours each day..  Please read Carefully. 

Some missions can make your heart pound and your hands sweat. But VBS can be a smooth mission if we all follow protocol for safety and security.  These guidelines protect you, the church and the children.  
  • Consistency is a must.If you let one person slide by because you know them, but not the other person, then you are discriminating and that can cause problems. 
  • Radio's are located at children desk downstairs, clc lobby desk, front office and elevator lobby of 3rd floor. PJ, Deborah, Rhonda, Medical personal and security can be reached on these radios. 
  • Do NOT change student roomassignment.  If there is an issue talk to PJ for school age or Deborah Brown for Preschool. 
  • ALL Preschool parents must havePink or Blue card (or Drivers license) when they pick up the child.  
    • I.E.- If you let one parent pick up their child without the card, because you know them, but not the next parent- it can get the church into trouble, if there is an issue.  If we are consistent... it provides more protection. 
  • All children must be picked up by adult, no one can be released on their own (unless you have the form from the parent - who is worker)
  • TAKE YOUR  CLASS ROSTER with you ever time you leave your room. - so if something happens, you know which children you are supposed to have. Count & recount as you come and go from each location, But have your roster and keep it up to date. Be aware of who you have each day.  (ex- Fire alarm that happened last year)
  • Post schedule inside your door, so when you are not there we know where to find you. 
  • Have the same person (who is organized, welcoming, sharp with attention to detail) the door at arrival and dismissal.  They are familiar with the parents and the children.  Keep conversation to a minimum.
  • Glass on the classroom doors cannot be covered. We need to be able to see into the classroom. 
  • Background checks are required for all workers- no one is allowed to be in the classroom without a background check. 
  •  Everyone will wear Security name-tags,  we will supply name tages for staff and students. All adults who are working VBS, should have a VBS lanyard and name-tag. -and would have had a background check.  This will help identify if someone is not supposed to be there. 
  • Do not take children to restroom alone. Take children in groups with 2 adults present. In Classroom, always be insight of another adult. 
  • Always have 2 adults with the students- in the classroom, or traveling from location to location.  One at the back and one at the front of the line (with a youth in the middle if needed)
  • Never leave a youth in charge. 
  • First Aid: We have a medical person on site each day- located downstairs, and also reachable by radio.

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